京都大学 都市社会工学専攻藤井研究室

京都大学大学院工学研究科 都市社会工学専攻
交通マネジメント工学講座 交通行動システム分野

  1. 藤井聡:折れない心を育む ~「レジリエンス」の視点から~,思春期学,Vol.36 No.1(投稿中),2017 MISC(論文)
  2. Fujii, S. and Taniguchi, A. (2014) Theoretical understandings of practical strategies for changing travel behavior, In Garling, T., Ettema, D. and Friman, M. (eds.) Handbook of Sustainable Travel, pp. 151-164. MISC(論文)
  3. 羽鳥剛史,小松佳弘,藤井聡:個人の大衆性が弁証法的議論に及ぼす影響に関する実験検討,Contemporary and Applied Philosophy,Vol. 5,pp. 1052-1072,2013-2014. MISC(論文)
  4. 羽鳥剛史,小松佳弘,藤井聡 (2014). 個人の大衆性が弁証法的議論に及ぼす影響に関する実験検討,Contemporary and Applied Philosophy,No.5,pp. 1052-1073 MISC(論文)
  5. Frimana, M., Fujii, S., Ettema, D., Gärlinga, T., and Olssona, L.E. (2012) Psychometric analysis of the satisfaction with travel scale, Transportation Research A., -in press-. MISC(論文)
  6. Junghwa Kim, Lee, B., and Fujii, S. (2011) Effect of Trip Purpose on Psychological Process for Car Use Reduction, Journal of EASTS, Vol.9, pp.169-180. MISC(論文)
  7. Fujii, S. and Taniguchi (2010) A Promoting Pro-Environmental Intentions. Theoretical Background and Practical Applications of Travel Feedback Programs for Car Use Reduction, In Victor Corral-Verdugo, Cirilo H. Garcia-Cadena, Martha Frias-Armenta, Psychological Approaches to Sustainability: Current Trends in Theory, Research and Applications NOVA Publishers, pp.141-160. MISC(論文)
  8. Gustafsson, M., Garling, T., & Fujii, S. (2002) Fairness matters in principal-agent relations, Goteborg Psychological Reports, 32 (7). Goteborg, Sweden: Goteborg University, Department of Psychology. MISC(論文)
  9. Fujii, S., & Garling, T. (2005) Temporary structural change: A strategy to break car-use habit and promote public transport, In G. Underwood (Ed.), Traffic and Transport Psychology (pp. 585-592). Elsevier: Amsterdam. MISC(論文)
  10. 竹村 和久・藤井 聡・吉川  肇子:リスク評価と非線形期待効用理論,日本リスク研究学会誌,(mimeograph),2005. MISC(論文)
  11. Fujii, S. and Takemura, K. (2003) Contingent focus model of Decision Framing under Risk, Technical Report 67, Department of Civil Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 51-67. MISC(論文)
  12. Fujii S. and Takemura, K.: Attention, Frame Condition and Decision Making Under Risk: An Empirical Test of the Contingent Focus Model using an Eye Gaze Recorder, (submitted for publication). MISC(論文)
  13. Garling, T. & S. Fujii (1999) Structural Equation Modeling of Determinants of Implementation Intentions, Goteborg Psychological Reports, Goteborg University, Sweden, 4 (29). MISC(論文)
  14. Fujii, S. and Takemura, K. (2000) Attention and risk attitude: Contingent focus model of decision framing, International Journal of Psychology, 35 (3/4), p. 269. (Presented at the 27th International Congress of Psychology, Stockholm) MISC(論文)
  15. Fujii, S., and Garling, T., and Jakobsson, C. (2000) Economic Incentives in Social Dilemmas, International Journal of Psychology, 35 (3/4), p. 379. (Presented at the 27th International Congress of Psychology, Stockholm). MISC(論文)
  16. 藤井 聡:生活行動を考慮した交通需要予測ならびに交通政策評価手法に関する研究,京都大学大学院博士論文,1997. MISC(論文)
  17. 谷口綾子・藤井聡・中村文彦:モビリティ・マネジメントによる公共交通利用促進の集計的効果-龍ケ崎市コミュニティバス利用者数の推移-,交通工学(投稿中). MISC(論文)