京都大学 都市社会工学専攻藤井研究室

京都大学大学院工学研究科 都市社会工学専攻
交通マネジメント工学講座 交通行動システム分野




Hi, how are you? My name is Prawira Fajarindra Belgiawan (Fajar). I come from Indonesia and now studying in Fujii Lab as Doctor 3rd year student. I came to Fujii Lab on April 2009 as a research student (研究生), from that moment until now (D3) many things have happened. Fujii Sensei and the other Sensei as well as other lab members have taught me many valuable lessons since then, and I believe little by little my skill and knowledge are improving. If I were asked, what is Fujii lab to you? Only one answer. A Family! I`m proud to say that this is my family in Japan. So please come and become part of it. See you!