Prof. Satoshi FUJII
Room : C1-2-432, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8540, JapanProfessor, Department of Urban Management, Kyoto University
Unit Manager, Resilience Research Unit, Kyoto University
Special Advisor to the Cabinet, Second Abe Cabinet
Visiting Professor, Center for Service, Karlstad University
Research Fields
- Transportation Planning Traffic Engineering
Research on transportation policies including Travel Demand Management and infrastructure building and traffic flow on road network. - Activity & Travel Behavior Analysis
Analysis and modeling on individuals’ travel behaviors including travel mode choice and route choice, and individuals’ daily time use pattern and activity engagement. - Behavioral Decision Making
Research on personal decision making based on cognitive, statistical and social psychological approach. - Social Dilemmas
Research on social dilemmas that includes conflicts between personal and corrective rationalities.
Research Papers
■ Publications
- the Comprehensive Research Commission on the Establishment of the Disaster Resilient Japan, Liberal democratic Party, Fujii Satoshi, Ph.D. ,Kyojinka: Building National Resilience(Amazon)
- Fujii, S. (2016) Prescription for Social Dilemmas: Psychology for Urban, Transportation, and Environmental Problems,Springer; 1st ed. 2017 edition (August 25, 2016).(Amazon)
- Fujii, S., ed. (2015) Beyond Global Capitalism, Springer, NY.(Amazon)
- Fujii, S. (2016) Prescription for Social Dilemmas, Springer, NY.(Amazon)
■ Papers
Social Dilemmas & Behavior Modification into Cooperation
- Hsu-Sheng Hsieh, Yusuke Kanda, Satoshi Fujii.(2019):Incorporation of coping planning into the behavior change model that accounts for implementation intention,Transportation Research Part F 60 (2019) 228–244.
- Hsieh, H.S., Kanda, Y. and Fujii, S. (2017) A New Psychological Approach to Reducing Individuals’ Car Use Behavior Applying Coping Planning and Analyzing Its Effects, Urban and Regional Planning Review, 4, pp. 1-20.
- Kim, J., Choi, K., Kim, S. & Fujii, S.(2017). How to promote sustainable public bike system from a psychological perspective?. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 11(4), pp.272-281.
- Olsson, L.E., Gärling, T., Ettema, D., Friman, M., Fujii, S. (2013) Happiness and satisfaction with work commute. Social Indicators Research, 111(1), pp. 255–263.
- Prawira Fajarindra Belgiawan,Jan-Dirk Schmo¨cker,Maya Abou-Zeid,Joan Walker,Tzu-Chang Lee,Dick F.Ettema,Satoshi Fujii:Car ownership motivations among undergraduate students in China, Indonesia, Japan, Lebanon,Netherlands, Taiwan, and USA,Transportation,DOI 10.1007/s11116-014-9548-z
- Haruna Suzuki, Satoshi Fujii, Tommy Gärling, Lars E. Olsson, Margareta Friman : Rules for aggregated satisfaction with work commutes, Transportation June 2013
- Belgiawan, P.F., Schmöcker, J.D., Fujii, S. (2013) Effects of peer influence, satisfaction and regret on Car Purchase Desire,Procedia Environmental Sciences, Procedia Environmental Sciences Journal. 17, pp. 485-493
- Junghwa Kim, Satoshi Fujii, Backjin Lee,「Strategies to Promote Sustainable Transportation Policy Incorporating Heterogeneity」, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Online available, 2013.5 (in press)
- Junghwa Kim, Jan-Dirk Schmöcker, Satoshi Fujii, Robert B. Noland, 「Attitudes towards road pricing and environmental taxation among US and UK students」,Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Online available, 2012
- Schmocker, J.D. Pettersson, P. and Fujii, S. (2012) Comparative Analysis of Proximal and Distal Determinants for the Acceptance of Coercive Charging Policies in the UK and Japan, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 6, pp. 156–173.
- Kim, J., Schmocker, J. D. and Fujii, S. (2012). Influence of arrogance on acceptance of TDM policy, Journal of Human Environmental Studies, 10 (2), pp. 71-77.
- Suzuki, H. and Fujii, S. (2011). Persuasive communication to promote local shopping and social interaction, In. Kiyoshi Kobayasi, Hans Westlund and Hayeong Jeong (eds.) Social Capital and Development Trends in Rural Areas, pp. 275-286.
- Fujii, S. (2010) Can state regulation of car use activate a moral obligation to use sustainable modes of transport?, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 4 (5), pp. 313-320.
- Fujii, S. (2010) Editorial: Introduction to the special issue on behavior modification for sustainable transportation, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 4 (5), pp. 249-252.
- Jou R.C., Hensher, D.A, Wu; P.H. Fujii, S. (2010) Road Pricing Acceptance: Analysis of Survey Results for Kyoto and Taichung, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 4, pp. 172–187.
- Fujii, S. Bamberg, S. Friman., M. and Grling, T. (2009) Are effects of travel feedback programs correctly assessed? Transportmetrica, 5 (1), pp. 43-57.
- Gärling, T., Fujii, S. (2009) Travel behavior modification: Theory, methods, and programs, In Ryuichi Kitamura, Toshio Yoshii, and Toshiyuki Yamamoto (Eds.), The Expanding Sphere of Travel Behaviour Research, Selected Papers from the 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Emerald, pp. 98-128.
- Fujii, S. (2009), Retrospectives and perspectives on travel behavioral modification research: A report of “behaviour modification” workshop. In Ryuichi Kitamura, Toshio Yoshii, and Toshiyuki Yamamoto (Eds.), The Expanding Sphere of Travel Behaviour Research, Selected Papers from the 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Emerald, pp. 98-128.Gärling, T., Jakobsson, C. Loukopoulos, P., and Fujii, S. (2008) Acceptance of road pricing, In Erik Verhoef, Michiel Bliemer, Linda Steg, and Bert van Wee (Eds.) Pricing in Road Transport: A multi-disciplinary perspective, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 193-208.
- Loukopoulos, P. Gärling, T., Jakobsson, C. and Fujii, S. (2008) A Cost-Minimisation Principle of Adaptation of Private Car Use in Response to Road Pricing Schemes, In Road Pricing, the Economy, and the Environment, Springer, pp. 331-350.
- Choocharukul, K. Van, H.T. Fujii, S. (2008) Psychological effects of travel behavior on preference of residential location choice, Transportation Research A, 42 (1), pp. 116–124.
- Taniguchi, A. and Fujii, S. (2007) Process model of voluntary behavior modification and effects of travel feedback programs, Transportation Research Record, 2010, pp. 45-52.
- Taniguchi, A., Suzuki, H. and Fujii, S. (2007) Mobility management in Japan: Its development and meta-analysis of travel feedback programs, Transportation Research Record, 2021, pp. 100-117.
- Van, H.T. Fujii, S., Nakamura, F. and Emori, H. (2007) Educational method to change the attitudes of transport planners towards environmentally sustainable transportation systems in developing countries, IATSS Research, 31 (2), pp. 74-83.
- Fujii, S. (2007) Communication with non-drivers for promoting long-term pro-environmental travel behaviour, Transportation Research D, 12, pp. 99-102.
- Fujii, S. & Taniguchi, A. (2006) Determinants of the effectiveness of travel feedback programs—a review of communicative mobility management measures for changing travel behavior in Japan, Transport Policy, 13 (5), pp. 339-348
- Choocharukul, K. , Van, H. T. & Fujii, S. (2006) Psychological determinants of car use reduction and acceptance of car use restriction in Japan and Thailand, IATSS Research 30 (2), pp70-76
- Fujii, S. (2006) Environmental concern, attitude toward frugality, and ease of behavior as determinants of pro-environmental behavior intentions, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 26, pp. 262-268.
- Taniguchi, A & Fujii, S. (2007) Promoting public transport using marketing techniques in mobility management and verifying their quantitative effects, Transportation, 34 (1), pp. 37-49.
- Loukopoulos, P., Gärung, T., Eek, D., Fujii, S. (2006) Palatable punishment in real-world social dilemmas? Punishing others to increase cooperation among the unpunished, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 36 (5), pp. 1274-1290.
- Loukopoulos, P., Jakobsson, C., Garling, T., Meland, S. and Fujii, S. (2006) Understanding the process of adaptation to car-use reduction goals, Transportation Research F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior, 9 (2), pp 89-114.
- Loukopoulos, P. Jakobsson, C., Gärling, T. . Meland,S. and Fujii, S. (2005) Choices of activity- and travel- change options for reduced car use. In Harry Timmermans (Ed.) Progress in Activity-Based Analysis, Elsevier, PP. 481-501.
- Fujii, S. and Taniguchi, A. (2005) Reducing family car use by providing travel advice or requesting behavioral plans: an experimental analysis of travel feedback programs, Transportation Research D, 10 (5), pp. 385-393.
- Fujii, S., & Gärling, T. (2005). Temporary structural change: A strategy to break car-use habit and promote public transport. In G. Underwood (Ed.), Traffic and Transport Psychology (pp. 585-592). Elsevier: Amsterdam.
- Fujii, S. (2005) Reducing inappropriate bicycle-parking through persuasive communication, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 35(6), pp. 1171-1196.
- Loukopoulos, P. Jakobsson, C., Gärling, T. Schneider, C.M. and Fujii, S. (2005) Public Attitudes towards Policy Measures for Reducing Private Car Use, Environmental Science & Policy, 8, pp. 57-66.
- Fujii, S. Gärling, T., Jakobsson, C. and Jou, R.C. (2004) A cross-country study of fairness and infringement on freedom as determinants of car owners’ acceptance of road pricing, Transportation, 31, (3), 285-295.
- Gärling, T., Fujii, S., Gärling, A. and Jakobsson, C. (2003) Moderating effects of social value orientation on determinants of proenvironmental behavior intention, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 23 (1), pp. 1-9.
- Fujii, S. and Kitamura, R. (2003) What does a one-month free bus ticket do to habitual drivers? -An experimental analysis of habit and attitude change, Transportation, 30, pp. 81-95.
- Taniguchi, A. Hara, F., Takano, S., Kagaya S. and Fujii, S. (2003) Psychological and Behavioral Effects of Travel Feedback Program for Travel Behavioral Modification, Transportation Research Record, 1839, 182-190.
- Eek, D., Loukopoulos, P., Fujii, S. and Gärling, T. (2002) Spill-over effects of intermittent costs for defection in social dilemmas, European Journal of Social Psychology, 32, 801-813.
- Jakobsson, C., Fujii, S., & Gärling, T. (2002) Effects of economic disincentives on private car use. Transportation, 29, 349-370.
- Gustafsson, M., Gärling, T., & Fujii, S. (2002). Fairness matters in principal-agent relations, Göteborg Psychological Reports, 32 (7). Göteborg, Sweden: Göteborg University, Department of Psychology.
- Fujii, S. and Garling, T. and Kitamura, R. (2001) Changes in Drivers’ Perceptions and Use of Public Transport During a Freeway Closure: Effects of Temporary Structural Change on Cooperation in a Real-Life Social Dilemma, Environment and Behavior, 33 (6), 796-808.
- Fujii, S., and Gärling, T., and Jakobsson, C. (2000) Economic Incentives in Social Dilemmas, International Journal of Psychology, 35 (3/4), p. 379. (Presented at the 27th International Congress of Psychology, Stockholm).
- Gustafsson, M. Fujii, S. and Gärling, T. (2000) Fairness in a Principal-Agent Problem. International Journal of Psychology, 35 (3/4), p. 379. (Presented at the 27th International Congress of Psychology, Stockholm)
- Jakobsson, C., Fujii, S. and Garling, T. (2000) Determinants of private car users’ acceptance of road pricing, Transport Policy, 7(2), pp 153-158.
Behavioral Decision Making
- Tsuyoshi, H., Satoshi, F., & Kazuhisa, T. (2017) How previous choice affects decision attribute weights: a field survey, Behaviormetrika, July 2017, Volume 44, Issue 2, pp. 477-487.
- Prawire F. Belgiawan, Jan-Dirk Schmöcker, Abou-Zeid,M, J. Walker, Fujii.S(2017) Modelling social norms: Case study of students’ car purchase intentions, Travel Behaviour and Society, 7,pp.12-25.
- Vana, H. T., Choocharukulb, K. and Fujii, S (2014). The effect of attitudes toward cars and public transportation on behavioral intention in commuting mode choice—A comparison across six Asian countries, Transportation Research A: Policy and Practice, 69, pp. 36-44.
- Taniguchi, A. Fujii, S. Azami, T. and Ishida, H. (2014) Persuasive communication aimed at public transportation-oriented residential choice and the promotion of public transport, Transportation, 41 (1), pp. 75–89.
- Fujii, S. Van, H.T.. (2009) Psychological determinants of the intention to use the Bus in Ho Chi Mihh City. Journal of Public Transportation, 12 (1), pp. 97 – 110.
- Fujii, S. & Arai, K. (2005) Forced commitment promotes attitudinal commitment and trust in an organization, Journal of Human Environmental Studies, 3 (2), pp. 1-6.
- Fujii, S., Kikkawa, T. and Takemura, K. (2005) Trust and Acceptance of Risks, In T. Arai, S. Yamamoto and K. Makino, Systems and Human Science for Safety, Security and Dependability, pp. 113-122.
- Fujii S. and Takemura, K.: Attention, Frame Condition and Decision Making Under Risk: An Empirical Test of the Contingent Focus Model using an Eye Gaze Recorder, (submitted for publication).
- Fujii, S. and Kitamura, R. (2004) Drivers’ mental representation of travel time and departure time choice in uncertain traffic network conditions, Networks and Spatial Economics, 4 (3), pp. 243-256.
- Fujii, S. Kitamura, and R., Suda, H (2004) Contingent Valuation Method for Procedural Justice, Journal of Economic Psychology 25 (6), pp 877-889. [note: Instructions used in the CVM ]
- Loukopoulos, P., Jakobsson, C., Gärling, T., Schneider, C.M., and Fujii, S. (2004) Car-user responses to travel demand management measures: goal setting and choice of adaptation alternatives, Transportation Research D, Transport and Environment, 9, pp. 263-280.
- Fujii, S. and Takemura, K. (2003) Contingent focus model of Decision Framing under Risk, Technical Report 67, Department of Civil Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 51-67.
- Fujii, S. and Gärling, T. (2003) Development of script-based travel mode choice after forced change, Transportation Research F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior, 6 (2), 117-124.
- Fujii, S. and Gärling, T. (2003) Application of attitude theory for improved predictive accuracy of stated preference methods in travel demand analysis, Transport Research A: Policy & Practice, 37 (4), pp 389-402.
- Fujii, S. and Kitamura, R. (2003) Drivers’ cognition and dynamics of traffic condition induced by network modification, In M.G.H. Bell and Y. Iida (eds.), The Network Reliability of Transport, Oxford, Pergamon, pp.209-223.
- Gärling, T. and Fujii, S. (2002) Structural equation modeling of determinants of planning, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 43 (1), pp. 1-8.
- Gärling. T, Eek, D. Loukopoulos, P., Fujii, S. Johansson-Stenman, O., Kitamura, R., Pendyala, R. and Vilhelmson, B. (2002) A conceptual analysis of the impact of travel demand management on private car use, Transport Policy, 9(1), 59-70.
- Garling, T., Fujii, S. and Boe, O. (2001) Empirical tests of a model of determinants of script-based driving choice, Transportation Research F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior, 4, 89-102.
- Fujii, S. and Takemura, K. (2000) Attention and risk attitude: Contingent focus model of decision framing, International Journal of Psychology, 35 (3/4), p. 269. (Presented at the 27th International Congress of Psychology, Stockholm)
- Fujii, S. and Kitamura, R. (2000) Anticipated travel time, information acquisition and actual experience: The case of hanshin expressway route closure, Transportation Research Record, 1725, 79-85.
- Garling, T. & S. Fujii (1999) Structural Equation Modeling of Determinants of Implementation Intentions, Goteborg Psychological Reports, Goteborg University, Sweden, 4 (29).
Traffic & Transportation Demand Analysis
- Pendyala, R.M. Kitamura, R. Kikuchi, A. Yamamoto, T. and Fujii, S. (2005) The Florida activity mobility simulator (FAMOS):an overview and preliminary validation results, Transportation Research Record, 1921, pp. 123-130.
- Kitamura, R. Kikuchi, A. Fujii, S. and Yamamoto, T. (2005) An overview of PCATS/DEBNETS micro-simulation system: its development, extention and application to demand forecasting, In R. Kitamura and M. Kuwahara Eds., Simulation Approaches in Transportation Analysis: Recent Advances and Challenges (pp. 371-399), : Springer: NY.
- Kitamura, R. and S. Fujii (1998) Two computational process models of activity-travel behavior. In T. Garling, T. Laitila and K.
Westin (eds.) Theoretical Foundations of Travel Choice Modeling, pp. 251-279. - Nakayama, S., Kitamura, R. and Fujii, S. (2001) Drivers’ Route Choice Rules and Network Behavior: Do drivers become rational and homogeneous through leaning?, Transportation Research Record, 1752, 62-68.
- Arentze, T., Borgers, A., Hofman, F., Fujii, S., Joh, C., Kikuchi, A., Kitamura, R., Timmermans, H., and van der Waerden, P., (2001) Rule-based versus utility maximizing models of activity-travel patterns, In D. Hensher (ed.), Travel behavior research: The leading edge, Pergamon, Amsterdam, 569-584.
- Nakayama, S., R. Kitamura, and S. Fujii (1999) Drivers’ Learning and Network Behavior: A Dynamic Analysis of the Driver-Network System as a Complex System, Transportation Research Record 1676, pp. 30- 36.
Activity & Travel Behavior Analysis
- Lättman, K.; Olsson, L.E.; Friman, M.; Fujii, S. Perceived Accessibility, Satisfaction with Daily Travel, and Life Satisfaction among the Elderly. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16(22), 4498
- Belgiawan, P.F., Schmöcker, J.-D., Abou-Zeid, M. and Fujii, S. (2017). Analysis of Car Type Preferences Among Students Based on Seemingly Unrelated Regression. Transportation Research Records, 2666 doi:/10.3141/2666-10
- Sukor, N.S.A., Ari K.M., & Fujii, S. (2016) Analysis of correlations between psychological factors and self-reported behavior of motorcyclists in Malaysia, depending on self-reported usage of different types of motorcycle facility, Transportation Research Part F,2016
- Li, Y.T., Schmöcker, J.D., and Fujii, S. (2015) Demand adaptation towards new transport modes: the case of high-speed rail in Taiwan, Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 3 (1), pp, 27-43.
- Li, Y.T., Schmöcker, J.D., and Fujii, S. (2015) Demand adaptation towards new transport modes: the case of high-speed rail in Taiwan, Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 3 (1), pp, 27-43.
- Abou-Zeid, M. & Fujii, S (2016) Travel satisfaction effects of changes in public transport usage,Transportation, 43 (2), pp. 301–314.
- Kim, J. Schmöcker, J.D. Jakobsson, C. Fujii, S. and Gärling, T. (2014) The influence of personality on acceptability of sustainable transport policies, Transportation, 41 (4) pp. 855-872.
- Fujii, S. and Taniguchi., A. (2014) Theoretical understandings of practical strategies for changing travel behavior, In Garling, T., Ettema., D. and Friman, M. (eds.) Handbook of Sustainable Travel, pp. 151-164.
- Taniguchi, A., Fujii, S., Azami, T., Ishida, H. (2014) Persuasive Communication Aimed at Public Transportation-Oriented Residential Choice and Promotion of Public Transport,Transportation, (41) 1, pp. 75-89.
- Tarigan, A.K.M, Fujii, S. & Kitamura, R. (2012) Intrapersonal variability in leisure activity-travel patterns: the case of one-worker and two-worker households, Journal Transportation Letters 4 (1), pp. 1-13.
- Hiroyuki Ohta,Haruyuki Matsumoto,Daisuke Fukuda,and Satoshi Fujii:A Comparative Analysis of Subjective Quality of the Mobility between a New Portable Electric Transportation Mode and Walking,Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 876892, 6 pages
- Van, T. and Fujii, S. (2011). A Cross Asian Country Analysis in Attitudes toward Car and Public Transport Hong, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 9, pp.411-421
- Junghwa Kim, Lee, B., and Fujii, S. (2011) Effect of Trip Purpose on Psychological Process for Car Use Reduction、Journal of EASTS、Vol.9、pp.169-180.
- Sundo, M.B. and Fujii, S. (2005) The effects of a compressed working week on commuters’ daily activity patterns, Transportation Research A, 39 (10), pp. 835-848.
- Kitamura, R., Yamamoto, T., Fujii, S. (2003) The effectiveness of panels in detecting changes in discrete travel behavior, Transportation Research B: Methodological , 37 (2), pp 191-206.
- Yamamoto, T., Fujii, S. and Kitamura, R. (2000) An analysis of departure time and route choice behavior under congestion pricing using stated preference data, Transportation Research Record, 1725, 95-101.
- Fujii, S., Kitamura, R., (1996) Analysis of Personal Action Space Using a Model System with Multiple Choice Structures, In D. Hensher, J. King and T. Oum (eds), World Transport Research, Proceedings of the 7th World Conference on Transportation Research, Vol 1, Travel Behavior, Elsevier Science, Oxford, pp. 165-180.
- Fujii, S. and Kitamura, R. (2000) Evaluation of trip-inducing effects of new freeways using a structural equations model system of commuters’ time use and travel, Transportation Research, 34B(5). pp. 339-354.
- Fujii, S., R. Kitamura and K. Kishizawa (1999) An Analysis of Individuals’ Joint Activity Engagement Using a Model System of Activity-Travel Behavior and Time Use, Transportation Research Record 1676,.pp. 11.19.
- Fujii, S., R. Kitamura, M. Nagao and Y. Doi (1998) An Experimental Analysis of Intelligibility and Efficiency of In-Vehicle Route Guidance System Displays, In C.T. Hendrichson and S.G. Ritchie (eds.), Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 106-113.
- Kitamura R., S. Fujii, and E.I. Pas (1997) Time use data for travel demand analysis: Toward the next generation of transportation planning methodologies, Transport Policy, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 225-235, 1997.
- Kitamura, R., T. Yamamoto, S. Fujii and S. Sampath (1996) A discrete-continuous analysis of time allocation to two types of discretionary activities which accounts for unobserved heterogeneity, In J.B. Lesort (ed.), Transportation and Traffic Theory, Elsevier Science, Oxford, pp. 431-453.
■ Proceedings & Presentations (selected)
Presentation with Referee
- Hagihara, G. and Fujii, S. (2006) A study on organizational behavioral modification process. presented at 11th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies.
- Van, H.T and Fujii, S. (2006) A cross Asian country analysis in attitudes toward car and public transport. presented at 11th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies.
- Choocharukul, K, Van, H.T and Fujii, S. (2006) Psychological determinants of moral obligation of car use reduction and acceptance of car use restriction in Japan and Thailand, in CD-ROM of Proceedings of the Symposium on Infrastructure Development and the Environment.
- Van, H.T, Choocharukul, K. and Fujii, S. (2006) The effect of attitudes toward car and public transport on behavioral intention of commuting mode choice – a cross six Asian country comparison, in CD-ROM of Proceedings of the Symposium on Infrastructure Development and the Environment.
- Sundo, M. and Fujii, S. (2006) Determinants of Employee Acceptance of a Compressed Workweek Scheme, in CD-ROM of Proceedings of the Symposium on Infrastructure Development and the Environment.
- Fujii, S. (2006) Effects of Social Values and Consideration of Future Consequences on Pro-environmental Behavioral Intention, at the 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Athens, 2006.
- Taniguchi, A. and Fujii, S. (2006) Hierarchically-norm-activation model on pro-environmental behavior. presented at the 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Athens, 2006.
- Fujii, S. (2006) Communication with non-drivers for promoting long-term pro-environmental travel behavior. presented at the 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Athens, 2006.
- Fujii, S. and Gärling, T. (2006) The Role and Acquisition of a Car-Use Habit. presented at the 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Athens, 2006.
- Taniguchi, A. and Fujii, S. (2006) An Analysis of Effects on Workplace Mobility Management Targeting Commuter Transport. CD-ROM of Proceedings for the 10th International Association for Travel Behavior Research conference, Kyoto, Japan, August 16-20, 2006.
- Loukopoulos, P., Jakobsson, C., Gärling, T. and Fujii, S. (2006) Determinants of car-use change goals and public acceptability: the stockholm road pricing field trial. CD-ROM of Proceedings for the 10th International Association for Travel Behavior Research conference, Kyoto, Japan, August 16-20, 2006.
- Fujii, S. (2006) Can state regulation of car use activate moral obligation to use sustainable modes of transport? CD-ROM of Proceedings for the 10th International Association for Travel Behavior Research conference, Kyoto, Japan, August 16-20, 2006.
- Gärling, T. and Fujii, S. (2006) Travel Behavior Modification: Theories, Methods, and Programs, Resource paper for the 10th International Association for Travel Behavior Research conference (CD-ROM), Kyoto, Japan, August 16-20, 2006.
- Taniguchi, A., Suzuki, H. and Fujii, S. (2006) A meta-analysis to evaluate an effectiveness of mobility management in Japan and comparison to the case of EU countries. CD-ROM of proceedings for European Transport Conference 2006, Strasbourg, France.
- Fujii, S. and Ohta, H (2006) Comparative analysis of the determinants of pro-environmental behavioral intentions for travel and non-travel behaviors, Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting, Washington, USA.
- Fujii, S. (2005) Strategies to unfreeze anti-environmental habits and to develop pro-environmental habits, CD-ROM for 6th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, September, 19th-21st, Bochum, Germany.
- Taniguchi, A. and Fujii, S. (2005) Hierarchically-norm-activation model on pro-environmental behavior, CD-ROM for 6th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, September, 19th-21st, Bochum, Germany.
- Hagihara, G. and Fujii, S. (2005) The psychological effects of car use on place attachment, 11th International Student Seminar On transport Research Symposium November 29th – December 1st, 2005, Chiba, Japan.
- Takemura, K., Morokami, S., Okubo, S. and Fujii, S. (2005) Influence of positive affect on eye movement patterns in decision making process, presented at 20th biennial conference on Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Taniguchi, A. and Fujii, S. (2005) How defectors get to be cooperative in a real world social dilemma?: An integrated model of behavior change process hypothesizing theory of planned behavior, norm activation theory, habits and implementation intention, presented at 11th International Conference on Social Dilemmas, August 24-28, Krakow, Poland.
- Fujii, S., Kazuhisa, T. and Kikkawa, T. (2005) Attention and Decision Making in Prisoners’ Dilemmas, presented at 11th International Conference on Social Dilemmas, August 24-28, Krakow, Poland.
- Fujii, S. (2005) Activating moral obligation of cooperation without increasing awareness of consequences of defection, presented at 11th International Conference on Social Dilemmas, August 24-28, Krakow, Poland.
- Fujii, S. and Taniguchi, A. (2005) Determinants of Effectiveness of Travel Feedback Programs: A review of Communicative Mobility Management Measures for changing Travel Behavior, prepared for 9th European Conference on Mobility Management, Harrogate, England.
- Fujii, S. and Taniguchi, A. (2005) Travel feedback programs: Communicative mobility management measures for changing travel behavior Proceedings of The 6th Eastern Association of Transport Studies Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Taniguchi,, A., Fujii, S. and Hara, F. (2005) Promotion of a public transport by mobility management and verification of its quantitative effect: A case study for community bus in Obihiro city, Proceedings of The 6th Eastern Association of Transport Studies Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Pendyala, R.M., Kitamura, R., Kikuchi, A., Yamamoto, T. and Fujii, S. (2005) FAMOS: The Florida activity mobility simulator, CD-ROM of Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 84th Annual Meeting, Washington, USA.
- Fujii, S and Tekemura, K. (2004) Attention, Frame Condition and Decision Making Under Risk, Proceedings of International Workshop of Behavior in Networks, Seoul, Korea, 2004.
- Fujii, S. (2004) Temporary structural change as a strategy to break car-use habit, Proceedings of 3rd International Congress of Transportation and Traffic Psychology, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
- Fujii, S. (2004) Decision frames and acceptance of coercive transport measures, Proceedings of 3rd International Congress of Transportation and Traffic Psychology, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
- Gärling, T., Eek, D., Fujii, F. & Loukopoulos P. (2004) Spill-over effects in responses to intermittent road charges, Proceedings of 3rd International Congress of Transportation and Traffic Psychology, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
- Taniguchi, A. & Fujii, S. (2004) A process model of voluntary travel behavior modification and effects of TFP (Travel Feedback Program), Proceedings of 3rd International Congress of Transportation and Traffic Psychology, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
- Loukopoulos, P., Jakobsson,C., Gärling, T., Schneider, C.M. and Fujii, F. (2004) Public attitudes towards policy measures for reducing private car use, Proceedings of 3rd International Congress of Transportation and Traffic Psychology, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
- Takemura, K. & Fujii, S. (2004) Interpretation of matching law: from the assumptions of Luce’s choice axiom, Fechner law, and random utility maximization, presented at The 35th European Mathematical Psychology Group Meeting, Ghent, Belgium
- Fujii, S. & Takemura, K. (2004) Attention, Frame Condition and Decision Making Under Risk, Proceedings of Behavior in Networks, Seoul, Korea.
- Pendyala, R.M., Kitamura R., Kikuchi, A., Yamamoto, T. Fujii, S. (2004) Development and implementation of the Florida activity mobility simulator (FAMOS), presented in TRANSTEC, the Transport Science and Technology Congress, Athens, Greece.
- Gärling, T., Jakobsson, C., Loukopoulos, P. and Fujii, S. (2004), Household choices of activity/travel change options for reducing car use, presented in EIRASS Conference on progress in activity-based analysis, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
- Fujii, S. Gärling, T. Jakobsson, C. and Jou, R.C. (2003) Fairness and infringement on freedom as determinants of private car users’ acceptance of road pricing, in CD-ROM of Proceedings of European Transport Conference 2003, Strasbourg, France.
- Takemura, K, Fujii, S., Kikkawa, T. and Horii, H.. (2003) Risk perception, trust, and policy preference: A lesson from nuclear power plant trouble in Japan., presented at Society for Judgment and Decision Making Annual Meeting Vancouver, Canada.
- Fujii, S. and Takemura, K. (2003) Attention, frame condition, and decision making under risk: An empirical test of the Contingent Focus Model using an eye gaze recorder, presented at Society for Judgment and Decision Making Annual Meeting Vancouver, Canada.
- Fujii, S. (2003) Collective feedback information of cooperation ratio can enhance the actual cooperation ratio, presented at 10th International Conference on Social Dilemmas, August 19-23, Marstrand, Sweden.
- Gärling, T. Jakobsson, C. Loukopoulos, P. Fujii, S. (2003) Roles of information technology in households’ adaptation of private car use to travel demand management measures, presented in the workshop of Behavioral Responses to ITS, April 1-4 2003, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- Gärling, T. Jakobsson, C. Loukopoulos, P. Fujii, S.: A Cost-Minimization Principle of Households´ Adaptation of Private Car Use, presented at the TRIP research conference: The Economic and Environmental Consequences of Regulating Traffic, Hillerød, Denmark, February 2-3, 2003.
- Fujii, S. (2003) Preventing inappropriate bicycle-parking through persuasive communications, Proceedings of 8th Congress of European Psychology, p. 185.
- Kikkawa, T., Fujii, S., Kazuhisa, T. and Horii, H. (2003) The construction of ‘ An-shin’sytem as a realistic solution to risk problems, Proceedings of 8th Congress of European Psychology, p. 326.
- Fujii, S. and Taniguchi, A (2003) Reducing family car use by providing travel advice or requesting behavioral plans: An experimental analysis of travel behavior feedback programs, in CD-ROM of proceedings of 9th International Association for Travel Behavior Research Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland.
- Loukopoulos, P. Jakobsson, C. Gärling, T. Schneider, C.M. Fujii, S. (2003) Car-user responses to travel demand management measures: goal intentions and choice of adaptation alternatives, in CD-ROM of proceedings of 9th International Association for Travel Behavior Research Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland.
- Fujii, S and Takasu, Y. (2003) Communication with non-drivers promotes wise decisions regarding possession of a driver’s license, Proceedings of Fourth Regional Symposium on Infrastructure Development in Civil Engineering, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Yanagida, M & Fujii, S (2003) The psychological effects of information of the other’s cooperative behavior, CD-ROM Proceedings for Fourth Regional Symposium on Infrastructure Development in Civil Engineering, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Fujii, S, Taniguchi, A and Hagihara, G. (2003) Reducing Family Car Use by Providing Travel Advice or Requesting Behavioral Plans: An Experimental Analysis of Travel feedback Programs, CD-ROM of Proceedings of Fourth Regional Symposium on Infrastructure Development in Civil Engineering, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Taniguchi, A., Hara, F., Takano, S., Kagaya, S. and Fujii, S. (2003) Psychological and behavioral effects of travel feedback program for travel behavioral modification, CD-ROM of Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington, USA.
- Kikuchi, A., Kitamura, R., Yamamoto, T. and Fujii, S. (2003) Simulating Spatial Choices with Quasi-Continuous Representation of Urban Space: An Application of MCMC Algorithms, CD-ROM of Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., USA.
- Fujii, S. & Takemura, K. (2002) Fechner’s law and random utility maximization hypothesis lead to generalized matching law, presented at Society for Judgment and Decision Making Annual Meeting, Kansas City, USA.
- Takemura, K. & Fujii, S. (2002) Contextual effect in category judgment: Mental box model and its empirical finding, presented at Society for Judgment and Decision Making Annual Meeting, Kansas City, USA.
- Fujii, S. & Kitamura, R. (2002) Preventing illegal bicycle-parking through persuasive communications, presented at XXV International Conference on Applied Psychology, Singapore.
- Fujii, S. & Gärling, R. (2002) Effects of temporary structural change on habitual defection in a transportation dilemma, presented at XXV International Conference on Applied Psychology, Singapore.
- Fujii, S. and Gärling, T. (2002) Effects of Forced Behavioral Change on Script-Based Travel Mode Choice, CD-ROM of proceedings of Transportation Research Board 82th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C, USA, 2002.
- Fujii, S. & Kitamura, R. (2002) What does a one-month free bus ticket do to habitual drivers? -An experimental analysis of habit and attitude change in travel mode choice -, CD-ROM of proceedings of Transportation Research Board 82th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C, USA, 2002.
- Kitamura, R., Kikuchi, A., Fujii, S. and Yamamoto, T. (2002) An Overview of PCATS/DEBNetS Micro-simulation System: Its Development, Extension, and Application to Demand Forecasting, proceedings of the International Symposium on Transport Simulation Yokohama, Japan.
- Takemura, K. & Fujii, S. (2001) Focus on the outcome determines risk attitude: Contingent focus model for decision Framing, presented at 18th biennial conference on Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Fujii, S. & Gärling, T. (2001) Effects of behavioral change on habitual choice making, presented at 18th biennial conference on Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Eek, D., Loukopoulos, P., Fujii, S. & Gärling T. (2001) Spill-Over Effects of Intermittent Costs for Defection in Social Dilemmas, presented at Ninth International Conference on Social Dilemmas, June 29-July 3, 2001, Chicago, IL, U.S.A.
- Fujii, S., Gärling, T.& Kitamura, R. (2001) Breaking habitual defecting by a temporary structural change, presented at Ninth International Conference on Social Dilemmas, June 29-July 3, 2001, Chicago, IL, U.S.A.
- Fujii, S., Kitamura, R., Suda, H. & S. Nishida (2001) Contingent Valuation Method for Procedural Justice, presented at Cities for Tomorrow, August 22-24, Göteborg, Sweeden, (http://www.citiesoftomorrow.org.gu.se/Papers/Fuiji.PDF)
- Fujii, S. and Kitamura, R. (2001) Framing Uncertain Travel Times: A Re-examination of Departure Time Choice. in CD-ROM of proceedings of Transportation Research Board 81th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C, USA.
- Fujii, S. and Kitamura, R. and Gärling, T. (2001) It is not the Stated-Preference but the Stated-Intention: An application of attitude theory in travel demand analysis, in CD-ROM of proceedings of Transportation Research Board 81th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C, USA.
- Kitamura, R., Fujii, S., Yamamoto, T. and Kikuchi, A. (2001) Application of PCATS/DEBNetS to regional planning and policy analysis: micro-simulation studies for the cities of Osaka and Kyoto, Japan, in CD-ROM of proceedings of Transportation Research Board 81th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C, USA, 2001.
- Nakayama, S., Kitamura, R. and Fujii, S. (2001) Drivers’ Route Choice Rules and Network Behavior: Do drivers become rational and homogeneous through leaning?, in CD-ROM of proceedings of Transportation Research Board 81th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C, USA, 2001.
- Kitamura, R., S. Fujii, T. Yamamoto and A. Kikuchi (2000) Application of PCATS/DEBNetS to regional planning and policy analysis: Micro-simulation studies for the Cities of Osaka and Kyoto, Japan. In the Proceedings of Seminar F, European Transport Conference 2000, pp. 199-210.
- Nakayama, S., Kitamura, R., Fujii, S. (2000) Drivers’ route choice rules and network behavior: Do drivers become rational and homogeneous through leaning?, CD for Presentation at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.
- Fujii, S., Kitamura, R. and Gärling, T.(2000) Application of Attitude Theory for Improved Predictive Accuracy with Stated-Intention Data, Prepared for Presentation at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.
- Fujii, S., and Kitamura, R. (2000) Framing uncertain travel times: A re-examination of departure time choice, The proceedings of 8th International Association of Travel Behavior Research Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 2-7, July, 2000.
- Gärlinga, T., Fujii, S., and Boe, O. (2000) Empirical tests of a model of automobile choice incorporating attitude, habit, and script, The proceedings of 8th International Association of Travel Behavior Research Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 2-7, July, 2000.
- Nakayama, S., Kitamura, R., Fujii, S. (2000) Drivers’ Route choice heuristics and network behavior: A simulation study using genetic algorithms, The proceedings of 8th International Association of Travel Behavior Research Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 2-7, July, 2000.
- Arentze, T., Borgers, A., Hofman, F., Fujii, S., Joh, C., Kikuchi, A., Kitamura, R., Timmermans, H., and van der Waerden, P., (2000) Rule-based versus utility maximizing models of activity-travel patterns, The proceedings of 8th International Association of Travel Behavior Research Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 2-7, July, 2000.
- Fujii, S. and Kitamura, R. (2000) Anticipated travel time, information acquisition and actual experience: The case of hanshin expressway route closure, in CD-ROM of proceedings of Transportation Research Board 79th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C, USA.
- Yamamoto, T., Fujii, S. and Kitamura, R. (2000) An analysis of departure time and route choice behavior under congestion pricing using stated preference data, in CD-ROM of proceedings of Transportation Research Board 79th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C, USA.
- Nakayama, S., and Fujii, S. and Kitamura, R. (1999) Drivers’ Learning and Network Behavior: A Dynamic Analysis of the Driver-Network System as a Complex System, in CD-ROM of proceedings of Transportation Research Board 78th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C, USA.
- Fujii, S. and Kitamura, R. (1999) Anticipated Travel Time, Information Acquisition and Actual Experience: The Case of Hanshin Expressway Route Closure, CD-ROM of proceedings of Transportation Research Board 79th Annual Meeting, Washington.
- Fujii, S., Kitamura, R. and K. Kishizawa (1999) An Analysis of Individuals’ Joint Activity Engagement Using a Model System of Activity-Travel Behavior and Time Use, in CD-ROM of proceedings of Transportation Research Board 78th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C, USA.
- Fujii, S., Kitamura, R. and Monma, T. (1998) A Utility-Based Micro-Simulation Model System of Individual’s Activity-Travel Patterns, in CD-ROM of proceedings of Transportation Research Board 77th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C, USA.
- Kitamura, R., S. Fujii, A. Kikuchi, T. Yamamoto (1998) An Application of a Micro-Simulator of Daily Travel and Dynamic Network Flow to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Selected TDM Measures for CO2 Emissions Reduction, in CD-ROM of proceedings of Transportation Research Board 77th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C, USA.
Presentation & Publication without Referee
- Fujii, S. and Takemura, K. (2003) Contingent focus model of Decision Framing under Risk, Technical Report 67, Department of Civil Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 51-67.
- Fujii, S, T., Kikkawa and K., Takemura, (2003) Trust, security, and peace of mind, Proceedings of First International Symposium on Systems & Human Science: For Safety, Security, and Dependability, Osaka, Japan, 81-85.
- Fujii, S. (2003) The psychological strategies for drivers’ behavior modification into public transport use, presented at Conference on Best Practices in Road Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Gustafsson, M., Gärling, T., & Fujii, S. (2002). Fairness matters in principal-agent relations, Göteborg Psychological Reports, 32 (7). Göteborg, Sweden: Göteborg University, Department of Psychology.
- Fujii, S. and Takemura, K. (2000) Attention and risk attitude: Contingent focus model of decision framing, International Journal of Psychology, 35 (3/4), p. 269. (Presented at the 27th International Congress of Psychology, Stockholm)
- Fujii, S., and Gärling, T., and Jakobsson, C. (2000) Economic Incentives in Social Dilemmas, International Journal of Psychology, 35 (3/4), p. 379. (Presented at the 27th International Congress of Psychology, Stockholm).
- Gustafsson, M. Fujii, S. and Gärling, T. (2000) Fairness in a Principal-Agent Problem. International Journal of Psychology, 35 (3/4), p. 379. (Presented at the 27th International Congress of Psychology, Stockholm)
- Boe, O., Fujii, S. and Gärling, T. (1999) Empirical Tests of a Model of Automobile Choice Incorporating Attitude, Habit, and Script, presented at the Urban Transport Systems conference, Lund University, Sweden.
- (http://www.tft.lth.se/kfbkonf/5Boe_Fujii_Gerling.PDF)
- Gärling, T. and Fujii, S. (1999) Structural Equation Modeling of Determinants of Implementation Intentions, Goteborg Psychological Reports, Goteborg University, Sweden, 4 (29).
- Gärling, T., Fujii, S., Gärling, A. and Jakobsson, C. (1999) The Relationship of Social Value Orientations to Environmentally Responsible Behavior, presented at the 8th International Conference on Social Dilemmas, Zichron-Yaakov, Israel.
- Jakobsson, C., Fujii, S. and Gärling, T. (1999) Determinants of Car Users´ Acceptance of Road Pricing, presented at the Urban Transport Systems conference, Lund University, Sweden.
- (http://www.tft.lth.se/kfbkonf/4jakobsson_fujiii_jerling.PDF)
- Takemura, K. and Fujii, S. (1999) Contingent focus model of decision framing under risk, presented at 17th biennial conference on Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making, Mannheim, Germany.
- Kitamura, R., Fujii, S., Kikuchi, A. and Yamamoto, T. (1998) Can TDM Make Urban Transportation Sustainable? A Micro-Simulation Study, presented at International Symposium on Travel Demand Management, Newcastle, UK.
- Fujii, S. and Kitamura, R. (1997) A Structural Equations Model System of Commuters’ Time Use and Travel, presented at The 8th Meeting of International Association for Travel Behavior Research, Workshop on Time Use, Austin, USA.
- Fujii, S., Kitamura, R. and Monma, T. (1997) A Micro-Simulation Model System That Produces Individual’s Activity-Travel Patterns Based on Random Utility Theory, prepared for Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, San Diego, USA.
- Kitamura, R., Pas, E.I. and Fujii, S. (1997) Time use data for travel demand analysis: Toward the next generation of transportation planning methodologies, presented at XIXth International Association for Time Use Research Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Kitamura, R. and Fujii, S. (1996) Two computational process models of activity-travel behavior. To be presented at the Conference on Theoretical Foundations of Travel Choice Modeling, Stockholm, August.
- Kitamura, R., Fujii, S. and Otsuka, Y. (1996) An Analysis of Induced Travel Demand Using A Production Model System of Daily Activity and Travel Which Incorporates Time-Space Constraints, Prepared for The 5th World Congress of the RSAI, Tokyo.
- Kitamura, R., Yamamoto, T. and Fujii, S. (1996) A Descriptive Study of Household Vehicle Holding Duration, Prepared for the 3rd International Conference on Canadian and European Institutes of Retailing and Services Studies (CIRASS and EIRASS), Tyrol.
- Saito, T., Yasui, Y, Fujii, S., Okamoto, H. and Itakura, S. (1996) Improvement of the Traffic-Flow Simulator for Evaluation of Traffic-Signal Control (TRAS-TSC), Proceedings of the 3th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems.
- Fujii, S. and Kitamura, R. (1995) Analysis of Personal Action Space Using a Model System with Multiple Choice Structures, Prepared for the 7th WCTR.
- Saito, T., Yasui, K., Fujii, S. and Itakura, S. (1995) Development of Microscopic Simulation Model for Traffic Network (MICSTRAN) and Traffic Flow Simulator for Evaluation of Traffic Signal Control (TRANS-TSC), Proceedings of the Second World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Vol. 4., pp. 1920-1925.
- Fujii, S., Iida, Y. and Uchida, T. (1994) Dynamic Traffic Simulation to Evaluate Vehicle Navigation Systems,1994 Vehicle Navigation and Information Systems Conference Proceedings, pp.239-244.
Personal History
- 15.Oct.1968 born in Nara, Japan
- Apr.1984 entered National Senior High School Attached to Osaka-Educational University in Hirano
- Apr.1987 entered Department of Civil Engineering, Kyoto University
- Apr.1991 entered Master Course in Graduate School of Civil Engineering, Kyoto University
- Mar.1993 completed Master Course in Graduate School of Civil Engineering, Kyoto University
- Apr.1993 Research Associate, Department of Civil Engineering Systems, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University
- (Mar.1998 Doctor of Engineering, Kyoto University)
- Dec. 1998 Visiting Researcher, Research Unit for Societal and Environmental Decision Analysis, Department of Psychology, Goteborg University, Goteborg University
- May.2000 Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering Systems, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University
- Apr. 2002 Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Apr. 2006 Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Apr. 2009 Professor, Department of Urban Management, Kyoto University