京都大学 都市社会工学専攻藤井研究室

京都大学大学院工学研究科 都市社会工学専攻
交通マネジメント工学講座 交通行動システム分野

  1. Prawire F. Belgiawan, Jan-Dirk Schmöcker, Abou-Zeid,M, J. Walker, Fujii.S(2017) Modelling social norms: Case study of students’ car purchase intentions, Travel Behaviour and Society, 7,pp.12-25. 査読付論文
  2. Sukor, N.S.A., Ari K.M., & Fujii, S. (2016) Analysis of correlations between psychological factors and self-reported behavior of motorcyclists in Malaysia, depending on self-reported usage of different types of motorcycle facility, Transportation Research Part F,2016 査読付論文
  3. Vana, H. T., Choocharukulb, K. and Fujii, S (2014) The effect of attitudes toward cars and public transportation on behavioral intention in commuting mode choice—A comparison across six Asian countries, Transportation Research A: Policy and Practice, 69, pp. 36-44. 査読付論文
  4. 羽鳥剛史,福田大輔,三木谷智,藤井聡:モノに関する記憶の想起が愛着意識に及ぼす影響―自転車に対する愛着意識と放置駐輪問題を対象として,科学・技術研究会,第1巻第2号2012年12月号,107-114 査読付論文
  5. Choocharukul, K., Van, H.T., Fujii, S. (2008) Psychological effects of travel behavior on preference of residential location choice, Transportation Research A, 42 (1), pp. 116-124. 査読付論文
  6. Horeni, O., Garling, T., Loukopoulos, P. and Fujii, S. (2007) An experimental simulation of adaptations to increased car-use costs, Transportation Research F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior, 10 (4), pp. 300-320. 査読付論文
  7. Fujii, S. and Garling. T. (2007) Role and acquisition of car-use habit, In Tommy Garling and Linda Steg (Eds.), Threat from Car Traffic to the Quality of Urban Life: Problems, causes, and solutions, Elsevier, pp. 235- 250.] 査読付論文
  8. Choocharukul, K. and Fujii, S. (2007) Psychological Factors Influencing Behavioral Intention of Private Car Use in Future Work Trips, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 7, pp. 211-222. 査読付論文
  9. Loukopoulos, P., Jakobsson, C., Garling, T., Schneider, C.M., and Fujii, S. (2004) Car-user responses to travel demand management measures: goal setting and choice of adaptation alternatives, Transportation Research D, Transport and Environment, 9, pp. 263-280. 査読付論文
  10. 藤井 聡:行動意図法(BI法)による交通需要予測の検証と精緻化,土木学会論文集,No. 765/IV-64, 65-78, 2004. 査読付論文
  11. 高須 豊・藤井 聡:免許取得による自動車利用に関する信念の変化分析,土木計画学研究・論文集,21 (2),pp. 515-522, 2004. 査読付論文
  12. Fujii, S. and Kitamura, R. (2004) Drivers’ mental representation of travel time and departure time choice in uncertain traffic network conditions, Networks and Spatial Economics, 4 (3), pp. 243-256. 査読付論文
  13. Fujii, S. and Garling, T. (2003) Development of script-based travel mode choice after forced change, Transportation Research F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior, 6 (2), 117-124. 査読付論文
  14. Fujii, S. and Garling, T. (2003) Application of attitude theory for improved predictive accuracy of stated preference methods in travel demand analysis, Transport Research A: Policy & Practice, 37 (4), pp 389-402. 査読付論文
  15. 藤井 聡・トミー・ヤーリング:交通需要予測におけるSPデータの新しい役割,土木学会論文集,IV58, p.1 – 14, 2003. 査読付論文
  16. 藤井 聡:行動意図法 (BI法) による交通需要予測の適用事例-新規バス路線の潜在需要推定-,土木計画学研究・論文集,20 (3),pp. 571-579,2003. 査読付論文
  17. Fujii, S. and Kitamura, R. (2003) Drivers’ cognition and dynamics of traffic condition induced by network modification, In M.G.H. Bell and Y. Iida (eds.), The Network Reliability of Transport, Oxford, Pergamon, pp.209-223. 査読付論文
  18. 中山 昌一朗・藤井 聡・北村 隆一・山田 憲嗣:旅行時間の思い込み認知と繰り返し行動に伴う選択肢の絞込みについての実験研究,No. 709/IV-56,pp. 51-60,2002. 査読付論文
  19. Garling. T, Eek, D. Loukopoulos, P., Fujii, S. Johansson-Stenman, O., Kitamura, R., Pendyala, R. and Vilhelmson, B. (2002) A conceptual analysis of the impact of travel demand management on private car use, Transport Policy, 9(1), 59-70. 査読付論文
  20. 藤井 聡・北村 隆一:不確実状況下の出発時刻選択の意思決定フレーム,土木計画学研究・論文集,18 (3) pp. 491-495,2001. 査読付論文
  21. Garling, T., Fujii, S. and Boe, O. (2001) Empirical tests of a model of determinants of script-based driving choice, Transportation Research F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior, 4, 89-102. 査読付論文
  22. 藤井 聡・中野 雅也・北村  隆一・杉山 守久:認知旅行時間の環境適応プロセスに関する理論実証研究,土木計画学研究・論文集,17,pp. 589-598,2000. 査読付論文
  23. Fujii, S. and Kitamura, R. (2000) Anticipated travel time, information acquisition and actual experience: The case of hanshin expressway route closure, Transportation Research Record, 1725, 79-85. 査読付論文