Judith Wang先生セミナー (2018年10月25日)
英国,リーズ大学よりJudith Wang先生にお越しいただき,セミナーを開催いたしました.
講師:Dr. Judith Wang; Associate Professor, School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds
題目:"Resilience thinking" in transport planning: Transport, air quality, health and resilience
Abstract:Resilience has been discussed in ecology for over forty years. While some aspects of resilience have received attention in transport planning, there is no unified definition of resilience in transportation. To define resilience in transportation, I trace back to the origin of resilience in ecology with a view of revealing the essence of resilience thinking and its relevance to transport planning. Based on the fundamental concepts of engineering resilience and ecological resilience, I define ''comprehensive resilience in transportation'' as the quality that leads to recovery, reliability and sustainability. Observing that previous work in resilience analysis in transportation has focussed on addressing engineering resilience rather than ecological resilience, I conclude that transformability has been generally overlooked and needs to be incorporated in the analysis framework for comprehensive resilience in transportation. In this seminar, I will present three case studies we carried out as a starting point to enhance comprehensive resilience in transportation by looking at the integrated relationships of transport, air quality and health.