Eduardo Graells-Garrido先生セミナー(2018年2月21日)
チリ共和国よりEduardo Graells-Garrido先生にお越しいただきセミナーを開催いたしました.
講師:Eduardo Graells-Garrido; Data Science Institute in Universidad del Desarrollo
題目:Inferring Travel Patterns and Social Life from Mobile Phone Data. Review of Case Studies and Future Challenges
Abstract: In this talk, several completed research projects will be showcased that infer transportation and mobility patterns from mobile phone network datasets. These studies comprise the identification of travel and urban patterns (trip and commuting behavior, land use, and the effect of Pokemon Go on the city), social life as seen through the integration of people in specific places (shopping malls) and the social network of calls; and informational needs, as seen through mobile application usage. The talk will further include a presentation of our on-going project on inferring the modal partition of a city using the previously defined methods and datasets. The focus is on case studies performed on the city of Santiago, Chile, using data from Telefonica, the largest telco. in Chile. To put the audience in context, discussions on how Kyoto and Santiago, two cities in opposite parts of the world, share traits with respect to transportation are added.
About the speaker: Eduardo Graells-Garrido is a research professor at the Data Science Institute in Universidad del Desarrollo, and fellow researcher at Telefonica R&D Chile. He obtained his PhD at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, while doing a long-term internship at Yahoo Labs Barcelona. His current research focuses on understanding the social aspects of mobility and transportation, by analyzing and visualizing data from mobile phone operators.