Topics:Constructing Passenger Trips and Comparison of Regional Travel Patterns Using Crowdsourced Transit Data
Topics:Oversized Truck Route Choice Behavior Analysis Using Multinomial Logit and Recursive Logit Models
Topics:Premium fare with delay insurance in the context of Mobility as a Service
Topics:Understanding tourist travel pattern with micro-event by activity-based transport simulation
Topics:Research on matching optimization for warehouse sharing services
Topics:Qualifying the long-term impacts for infrastrcture planning based on Graph Convolutional Neural Networks(GCN)
Topics:Research on the influence of planning concepts on support for infrastructure development
Topics:On the feasibility of using geo-tagged tweets to infer activity participation
Topics:Basic research on route optimization for cash collection in cities
Topics:Analysis of traffic accidents around intersections considering field of view
Topics:Research on factors that influence the intention to use sharing e-mobility
Topics:Analysing bus usage and accessibility from long-term crowd-sourced trajectory data
Topics: Basic Research on Improving the Transport Efficiency of Maritime Container Trucks Considering Gate Arrival Characteristics under the Container Loading/Unloading Reservation System
Topics: Basic Research on the Optimization of Cross-Border E-Commerce Considering the Behavior of Purchasing Agents
Topics: Research on the Electrification of Freight Trucks Using ETC 2.0 Data
Topics: Basic Research on Hub Placement and Delivery Planning with Soft Time Window Constraints
Topics: Prediction of Bus Punctuality and Delay Propagation Using ETC 2.0 data