Related Books

 Beyond Global Capitalism (Springer) [English]
 Edited by Satoshi Fujii



 Beyond Global Capitalism (Bunshun-Shinsho) [Japanese]
 Emmanuel Todd, Ha-Joon Chang, Keita Shibayama, Takeshi Nakano,
 Satoshi Fujii, Shigeki Hori

 Presentation Movie

Welcome Message

Prof.Satoshi Fujii
(Professor of Kyoto University, Director of Resilience Research Unit at Kyoto University, and Special advisor to the Cabinet of Japan)

Presentation Movie(English,Translated)


Prof.Satoshi Fujii
(Professor of Kyoto University, Director of Resilience Research Unit at Kyoto University, and Special advisor to the Cabinet of Japan)

handout-5.jpgSatoshi Fujii (born 1968) is a Director of Resilience Research Unit. His research topic is pragmatic social and human sciences for public policies including economics, psychology, philosophy, urban management, and national land planning. He is also Special Advisor to the Cabinet of Japanese government since December, 2012. His main work in the cabinet is New Deal policy that accounts for disaster prevention and mitigation.

His Major Writings : Theory of building national resilience.

Presentation Title
「Globalism as Totalitarianism」

Presentation Movie(English,Translated)

Dr. Ha-Joon Chang
(Economist, South Korea)

ha-joon.pngHa-Joon Chang (born 1963) is one of the leading heterodox economists and institutional economists specialising in development economics. Currently a Reader in the Political Economy of Development at the University of Cambridge, Chang is the author of several widely-discussed policy books.
He has worked as a consultant for many international organisations, such as UNDP  and the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank. He was awarded the 2005 Wassily Leontief Prize for Advancing the Frontiers of Economic Thought.

Presentation Title
「The Failure of Neoliberalism and the Future of Capitalism」

Presentation Movie(English,Original)

Mr. Keita Shibayama
(Faculty of Economics, Associate Professor of Shiga University, Japan)


Keita Shibayama (born in 1974)is a scholar of Economic Thought※. He majored in economics and acquired doctoral program unit of Human and Environmental Studies in Kyoto University. His research field is Economic Thought and Globalization History as well as effect of globalization on Japanese economy, industry and society. Since 2004, he has been an associate professor in faculty of economics, Shiga University.
※especially Keynesian school of Economic Thought introduced by a british economist, John Maynard Keynes.

His Major Writings : Silent and mighty depression.

Presentation Title
Does history repeat again?Future of the Second globalization

Presentation Movie(English,Translated)

Dr.Emmanuel Todd
(Historian, anthropologist, France)

handout-9.psdEmmanuel Todd (born 1951) is a French historian, anthropologist, demographer, sociologist and political scientist at the National Institute of Demographic Studies (INED), in Paris. His research examines the different types of families worldwide and how there are matching beliefs, ideologies and political systems, and the historical events involving these things.
He managed to predict the collapse of the Sovietic Union (La Chute finale, 1976), the weakening of the American system (Après l’Empire, 2002), and the Arab Spring (Le Rendez-vous des civilisations, with Youssef Courbage, 2007).

Presentation Title
「The divergence of nations and the crisis of globalization : a social anthropological perspective」

Presentation Movie (French, Original)

Dr. Takeshi Nakano
(Critical writer and one-time Associate Professor of Kyoto University, Japan)

handout-11.jpgTakeshi Nakano (born 1971) is a Japanese critical writer. He had been an associate Professor at the Department of Urban Management, Kyoto University for two years (2010-2012). His research interests include economic nationalism, protectionism, international political economy and conservative thought. His article ‘Theorizing Economic Nationalism’ was awarded the annual ASEN/Nations and National Prize for 2003. His recent publication ‘New Theses on the History of Japanese Political Though’ (Chikuma 2012) was awarded the Shichihei Yamamoto Encouragement Prize for 2012. His other publication ‘Ruinous TPP’ is a bestselling publication.

His Major Writings : Theory of ruinous TPPNew Theses on the History of Japanese Political ThoughtAgainst Free Trades.

Presentation Title
「Neoliberalism and Conservatism」

Presentation Movie(English,Translated)


Resilience Research Unit, Kyoto University
(Kanda, Miyakawa, Fujii)
Tel: +81-(0)75-383-3241