


Farewell Party(2018.02.22)

We held a farewell party fro those who are leaving the lab by March, 2018.
Varsolo in D3, Kawakami, Sonobe, Nishigaki, Niwa from M2 would be graduating by then. It was a very joyful time spent with them all for the past years. Congratulations and best wishes for their future!
Last but not least, congratulations to Gao and Shen, who just successfully got the offer from the PhD course and Masters' course respectively. Wish we can enjoy our lab life with you all.


Kyoto University
ITS Laboratory

Katsura C-Cluster C1-2-434, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8540, Japan

TEL 075-383-7490
FAX 075-383-3236
All above connecting to secretary, accessible on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
