
Creating intelligent and smart transport to enhance
the sustainability and the attractiveness of urban areas

News & Activity

  • 2023.9.24: ITS Lab attended Kyoto University Academic Day 2023 with visiting scientists Sarah Hampel and Jonas Fahlbusch from the Mobility2Grid research campus, presenting research on car sharing station spatial integration and station-based micro mobility sharing. Event Details
  • 2023.6.20: Dr. Satoshi Nakao and Dr. Owen Waygood hosted and presented in the "Historical and current urban design and its impact on children's travel" seminar with additional speakers from TU Dortmund and Tsukuba University.
  • 2023.6.14: Dr. Kari Watkins (US Davis) gave a presentation on "TCRP Report 231 and USDOT T-SCORE Center".
  • 2023.5.22: Dr. Qiaso Li (Glasgow's UBDC) visited us and we held a joined seminar with the Geoinformatics lab.
  • 2023.5.16~17: We hosted the DARUMA workshop in Kyoto. May 16 was an inter workshop held at Kyoto University, Katsura Campus. May 17 was an open workshop held at the Kyoto Keizai Center Building.
  • 2023.5.15: Enrique S. Iglesias (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) is visiting our lab as part of the DARUMA project in May and June.
  • 2023.5.8: Qinglong Lu (TU Munich) is visiting our lab with DAAD-KU funding in May and June.
  • 2023.5.8: Jonas Fahlbusch (TU Berlin, Research Campus M2G) is visiting our lab with DAAD-KU AIDA funding jointly obtained with Prof. Nakao.
  • 2023.3.7: Kim Bottanelli (ETH) visited our lab to work on his master's thesis in March and April.
  • 2023.1.8~12: Dr. Jan-Dirk Schmoecker attended the TRB Annual Meeting in Washington DC and presented three papers.
  • 2023.1: Dr. Owen Waygood (Polytechnique Montreal) visited our lab for a six month sabbatical.
  • 2022.12.20: Dr. Satsih Ukkusari (Purdue University) gave a presentation on "Harnessing the Power of Data Analytics for Transit Planning and Operations".
  • 2022.12.7: Dr. Francesco Viti (University of Luxembourg) visited our lab and gave a presentation on "Linking individual mobility patterns with multimodal transport flows".
  • 2022.11.6: Teethat (M1), Hyungsub (D2) and Dr. Jan-Dirk Schmoecker attended CASPT2022 in Tel Aviv.
  • 2022.7.29: Ziang Yao successfully defended his doctoral thesis titled "The behavioral impacts of uncertain access to free floating bicycle services".
  • 2022.7.27: Dr. Stephane Hess (University of Leeds) gave a lecture on "Apollo Software and Recent Advances in Discrete Choice Modelling".
  • 2022.5.29: M1 students presented at the JSCE Kansai Branch.
  • 2022.4.22: We welcomed five B4 students to our lab.
  • 2022.4.5~7: Students presented at mobil.TUM 2022.
  • 2022.3.18: We had a Farewell Party for M2 and B4 students.
  • 2022.2.17: M2 students in lab presented at Public hearing of Master's thesis.
  • 2022.2.2: B4 students in lab presented at Public hearing of Graduation thesis.
  • 2021.12.23: The Joint Seminar of the Traffic Management Group was held.
  • 2021.12.22: Kyoto Univ. and Tongji Univ. Joint Seminar was held.
  • 2021.10.15: We had a luncheon meeting and Riccardo presented conclusions of his research before finishing his Postdoc at Kyoto.
  • 2021.9.17: 6-University Seminar in 2021 was held.
  • 2021.6.5~6: Graduate student and students in lab presented at the 63rd JSCE Planning Conference, Spring.
  • 2021.5.23: M1 students presented at the JSCE Kansai Branch.
  • 2021.4.16: We welcome five B4 students (Teethat VONGVANICH, Io IKEDA, Daichi IKEMIYA, Yudai HIRAKOSHI and Yuki NABESHIMA) to our lab.
  • 2021.3.8: We had a farewell party for M2 and D3 students.
  • 2021.2.18: M2 students in lab presented at Public hearing of Master's thesis.
  • 2021.2.15: Doctoral Dissertation Defense of Gao was held.
  • 2021.2.2: B4 students in lab presented at Public hearing of Graduation thesis.
  • 2020.12.28: 6-University Seminar in 2020 was held.
  • 2020.12.16: Kyoto Univ. and Tongji Univ. Joint Seminar was held.
  • 2020.11.6: The Joint Seminar of the Traffic Management Group in 2020 was held.
  • 2020.8.11~8.13: Staff and students in lab participated in the TransitData2020 conference, held online this year.
  • 2020.4.21: We welcome the four B4 students (Yihe ZHOU, Yuki MURAKAMI, Nao MATSUOKA and Koushi SAWADA) to our lab and hope that the international students who are held up by Corona travel restrictions can also join soon!
  • 2020.4.1: D1(Tomoki NISHIGAKI) and M1(Fan FEI) students joined our lab.


Kyoto University
ITS Laboratory

Katsura C-Cluster C1-2-436, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8540, Japan

TEL 075-383-3235
FAX 075-383-3236
