Jan-Dirk Schmoecker (Assoc.Prof.)
Updates/Current Activities
Research Interests/Projects
- Transit Assignment Models; Passenger Behaviour
(Congestion and capacity constraints; Passenger route choice)
- City tourism flows
(Tourist routes, Estimation with big data, Decision making of tourists)
- Transport Behaviour and Social Norms
(Trends, Conformity and Mass effects; Population acceptance of policies)
- Reliability of Transportation Networks
(Route guidance, Regret and risk perception of travellers)
- Transport and Land-Use Solutions for an Ageing Society
(Transport and health; Impact of accessibility and impairments on travel behaviour)
Book Publication
Journal Publications
- Schmöcker, J.-D., Ji, J., Belgiawan, F., and Uno, N. (in press). Evacuation Decisions during the Great East Japan earthquake. Resilience Findings.
- Iacobucci, R., Schmöcker, J.-D., and Pruckner, M. (2023). The demand potential of shared autonomous vehicles: a large-scale simulation using mobility survey data. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning and Operations.
- Fei, F., Sun, W., Iacobucci, R., and Schmöcker, J.-D. (2022). Exploring the profitability of using electric bus fleets for transport and power grid services. Transportation Research Part C, 149, 104060.
- Yao, Z., and Schmöcker, J.-D. (2022). Access distance to free-floating services considering uncertain availability and smartphone activeness. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics.
- Lai, Y., Sun, W.Z., Schmöcker, J.-D., Fukuda, K., and Axhausen, K. (in press).Explaining a century of Swiss regional development by deep learning and SHAP values. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science.
- Shen, K., Schmöcker, J.-D., Sun, W.Z., and Qureshi, A.G. (2022). Calibration of sightseeing tour choices considering multiple decision criteria with diminishing reward. Transportation.
- Sabashi, K., Ben-Moshe, B., Schmöcker, J.-D., Hadas, Y. and Nakao, S. (2022) Simulation of tourists’ wayfinding during evacuation based on experiments in Kyoto. Transportation Research Procedia, 62, 640-647. Also presented at 24th EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, EWGT 2021, 8-10 September, Aveiro, Portugal, held online.
- Sun, W., Schmöcker, J.-D., Nakao, S. and Matsuoka, N. (2022) Restrictive and Stimulative Impacts of Covid-19 Policies on Human Mobility Trends: A Case Study of Kyoto Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 13, 100551. Also presented in similar form at 101st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington D.C., U.S.
- Gao, Y. and Schmöcker, J.-D. (2022).Distinguishing Different Types of City Tourists through Clustering and Recursive Logit Models applied to Wi-Fi data. Asian Transport Studies, 8, 100044.
- Sun, W., Schmöcker, J.-D. and Fukuda, K. (2021). Estimating the route-level passenger demand profile from bus dwell times.Transportation Research Part C, 130, 103273.
- Iacobucci, R., Bruno, R. and Schmöcker, J.-D. (2021). Integrated optimisation-simulation framework for scalable smart charging and relocation of shared autonomous electric vehicles. Energies, 14, 3633.
- Gao, Y. and Schmöcker, J.-D. (2021). Estimation of Walking Patterns in a Touristic Area with Wi-Fi Packet Sensors. Transportation Research Part C, 128, 103219.
- Wachtel, G., Schmöcker, J.-D., Hadas, Y., Gao, Y., Nahum, O.E. and Ben-Moshe, B. (2021). Planning for Tourist Urban Evacuation Routes: A framework for improved data collection and evacuation process. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 48(5), 1108-1125.
- Zhang, C., Schmöcker, J.-D and Trépanier, M. (In Press). Latent Stage Model for Carsharing Usage Frequency Estimation with Montreal Case Study. Accepted for Publication in Transportation.
- Gao, Y. and Schmöcker, J.-D. (2021). Modelling sequential ticket booking choices during Chinese New Year. Transportation, 48(4), 1987-2010.
- Wahaballa, A.M., Kurauchi, F., Schmöcker, J.-D. and Iwamoto, T. (2021). Estimation of transfer time distribution parameters with automatic-fare-collection data: A stochastic frontier model.ASCE's Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 147(7): 04021031.
- Sun, W., Schmöcker, J.-D. and Nakamura, T. (2021). On the trade-off between sensitivity and specificity in bus bunching prediction. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning and Operations, 25(4), 384-400.
- Maadi, S. and Schmöcker, J.-D. (2020). Route Choice Effects of Changes from a Zonal to a Distance-based Fare Structure in a Regional Public Transport Network.Public Transport, 12(3), 535-555.
- Kim, J., Schmöcker, J.-D., Nakamura, T., Uno, N. and Iwamoto, T. (2020). Integrated Impacts of Public Transport Travel and Travel Satisfaction on Quality of Life of Older People. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 138, 15-27.
- Kim, J., Tanaka, H. and Schmöcker, J.-D. (2020). Joint Car Ownership and Car Type Preference Model considering Engagement in Online Activities and Environmental Concern. Transportation Research Part F, 68, 293-305.
- Ko, T., Qureshi, A.G., Schmöcker, J.-D. and Fujii, S. (2019). Tourist Trip Design Problem considering Fatigue. Accepted for Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS). Also presented in similar form at the 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington D.C., U.S.
- Waygood, O., Sun, L., and Schmöcker, J-D. (2019). Transport Sufficiency: Case Study of Osaka. Journal of Travel Behaviour and Society, 15, 54-62. Also presented in similar form at the 14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research. Windsor, U.K., 19-23 July, 2015.
- Zhang, C. and Schmöcker , J-D. (2019). A Markovian model of user adaptation with case study of a shared bicycle scheme. Transportmetrica B, 7(1), 223-236.
- Jin, Z., Schmöcker, J.-D. and Maadi, S. (2019). On the interaction between public transport demand, service quality and fare for social welfare optimisation. Research in Transportation Economics, 79, 100732.
- Khademi, N., Babaei, M., Schmöcker, J.-D. and Fani, A. (2018). Analysis of incident costs in a vulnerable sparse rail network – Description and Iran case study. Research in Transportation Economics, 70, 9-27.
- Kim, J., Schmöcker, J.-D., Yu, J.-W. and Choi, J.-Y. (2018). Service Quality Evaluation for Urban Rail Transfer Facilities with Rasch Analysis. Travel Behaviour and Society (13), 26-35.
- Kim, J., Li, Y.-T. and Schmöcker, J.-D. (2019). Regional Heterogeneity in Taiwan HSR Demand Developments: Station Accessibility and its Effect on Usage Adoption. European Planning Studies, 27(3), 555-573.
- Sunio, V., Schmöcker, J.-D. and Kim, J. (2018). Understanding the stages and pathways of travel behavior change induced by technology-based intervention among university students. Transportation Research Part F, 59(A), 98-113.
- Sun, W. and Schmöcker , J-D. (2018). Considering Passenger Choices and Overtaking in the Bus Bunching Problem. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 6:2, 151-168, doi: 10.1080/21680566.2017.1387876
- Shimamoto, H., Schmöcker, J.-D., Bunpei, N., Nakamura, T., Uno, N. and Yamazaki, H. (2018). Evaluation of Tsunami Evacuation Planning Considering Vehicle Usage and Starting Time of Evacuation. Transportmetrica A, 14(1-2), 50-65.
- Nishigaki, T., Schmöcker , J-D., Nakamura, T. and Uno, N. (2017). Are Campus Bicycle Sharing Schemes Useful? An Analysis with Kyoto University Data. International Journal of Transportation, 5(3), 29-44.
- Stathopoulos, A., Cirillo, C., Cherchi, E., Ben-Elia, E., Li, Y.-T. and Schmöcker, J.-D. (2017). Innovation adoption modeling in transportation: new models and data. Journal of Choice Modelling, 25,61-68
- Belgiawan, P.F., Schmöcker, J.-D., Abou-Zeid, M., Walker,J. and Fujii, S. (2017). Modelling social norms: Case study of students’ car purchase intentions. Journal of Travel Behaviour and Society, 7(1), 12-25.
- Demizu, F., Li, Y.-T., Schmöcker, J.-D., Nakamura, T. and Uno, N. (2017). Long-term Impact of the Shinkansen on Rail and Air Demand: Analysis with data from Northeast Japan. Journal of Transportation Planning and Technology, 40(7), 741-756.
- Li, Y.-T.and Schmoecker, J.-D. (2017). Adaptation Patterns to High Speed Rail Usage in Taiwan and China.Transportation. 44 (4), 807-830. doi 10.1007/s11116-016-9679-5
- Li, Y.-T., Schmoecker, J.-D. and Zhang, D. (2016). The impact of attitudes and perceptions on high speed rail usage uptake in Taiwan and the Shanghai area. Accepted for publication in Asian Transport Studies.
- Schmoecker, J.-D., Sun, W., Liu, R. and Fonzone, A. (2016). Bus Bunching Along a Corridor Served by Two Lines. Transportation Research Part : Methodological, 93, 300-317.
- Babaei, M., Schmoecker, J.-D., Khademi, N., Ghaffari, A.-R., and Naderan, A. (2016). Fixed-Route taxi system: Route-network design and fleet size minimization problems. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 50(6), 1252-1271.doi:/ 10.1002/atr.1400
- Dong, Z., Schmoecker, J.-D., Fujii, S. and Yang, X. (2016). Social norms and public transport usage: Empirical study from Shanghai. Transportation 43(5), 869-888.
- Kim, J., Schmoecker, J.-D. and Fujii, S. (2016). Exploring the relationship between Undergraduate Education and Sustainable Transport Attitudes.International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. 10(4), 385-392.
- Belgiawan, P. F., Schmoecker, J.-D. and Fujii, S. (2016). Understanding Car Ownership Motivations among Indonesian Students. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 10(4), 295-307.
- Schmoecker, J.-D. and Fonzone, A. (2015). Decision Principles for Routing Strategies: Games against Nature and Demons. Asian Transport Studies, 3(4), 362-377.
- Tominaga, M., Shimamoto, H., Uno, N., Schmoecker, J.-D., Nakamura, T. and Yamazaki, H. (2015). Mode choice model considering captivity and heterogeneity of Users. (交通機関選択特性の異質性を考慮した分担配分統合モデルの構築). Selected Proceedings of Japan’s Civil Engineering Society (土木学会論文集) D3,Vol.71. (In Japanese).
- Teo, S.E., Schmoecker, J.-D, Florin, L., Li, Y.-T., Atanasiu, G. and Taniguchi, E. (2015). An Agent-based Evacuation Model Considering Field Effects and Government Advice. Transportation Research Record 2532, 129-140.
- Fonzone, A., Schmoecker, J.-D. and Liu, R. (2015). A model of bus bunching under reliability-based passenger arrival patterns. Transportation Research C, 59, 164-182.
- Yeun-Touh, L., Schmocker, J.-D. and Fujii, S. (2014).Demand Adaptation towards New Transport Modes: Case of High Speed Rail in Taiwan. TransportmetricaB. doi: 10.1080/21680566.2014.946456.
- Kim, J., Schmoecker, J.-D., Bergstad, C.J., Garling, T. and Fujii, S. (2014).The Influence of Personality on Acceptability of Sustainable Transport Policies.Transportation, 41, 855-872
- Kurauchi, F., Schmoecker, J.-D., Shimamoto, H., and Hassan, S. M. (2014). Variability of Commuters' Bus Line Choice: An Analysis of Oystercard Data.Public Transport 6, 21-34.
- Fonzone, A. and Schmoecker, J.-D. (2014). Effects of Transit Real-Time Information Usage Strategies. Transportation Research Records, 2417, 121-129
- Belgiawan, F., Schmoecker, J.-D., Abou-Zeid, M., Walker, Li, T.-L., Ettema, D. and Fujii, S. (2014). Car Ownership Motivations among Undergraduate Students in China, Indonesia, Japan, Lebanon, Netherlands, Taiwan, and U.S.A. Transportation,41, 1227-1241.
- Babei, M., Schmoecker, J.-D. and Shariat-Mohaymanya, A. (2014). The impact of irregular headways on seat availability. Transportmetrica, 10(6), 483-501.
- Schmoecker, J.-D., Hatori, T. and Watling, D. (2014). Dynamic Process Model of Mass Effects. Transportation,41(2), 279-304.
- Fonzone, A., Schmoecker, J.-D., Kurauchi, F. and Hassan, S. M. (2013). Strategy Choice in Transit Networks.Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (
EASTS), 10 796-815 .
- Abou-Zeid, M., Schmoecker, J.-D, Belgiawan, F.P. and Fujii, S. (2013). Mass Effects and Mobility Decisions. Transportation Letters, 5(3), 115-130.
- Schmoecker, J.-D., Kurauchi, F. and Shimamto, H. (2013). Generation and Calibration of Transit Hyperpaths. Selected Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT). Nordwijk, The Netherlands, July 2013; and published in Transportation Research C, 36, 406-418.
- Kim, J., Schmoecker, J.-D. and Fujii, S. (2013). Influence of Arrogance on Acceptance of TDM Policy. Journal of Human Environmental Studies, 10(2), 71-77.
- Kim, J., Schmoecker, J.-D., Noland, R.B. and Fujii, S. (2013). Attitudes towards Road Pricing and Environmental Taxation among U.S. and U.K. Students.Transportation Research Part A, 48(1), 50-62.
- Fonzone, A.,Schmoecker, J.-D., Ma, J.S. and Fukuda, D. (2013).Link-based Route Choice Considering Risk Aversion and Regret. Transportation Research Records 2322, 119-128.
- Ma, J.S., Fukuda, D. and Schmoecker, J.-D. (2012). Faster hyperpath generating algorithms for vehicle navigation. Accepted for Publication in Transportmetrica.
- Shimamto, H., Kurauchi, F. and Schmoecker, J.-D. (2012). 車両容量と路線相関を考慮した乗客配分モデルを用いた公共交通の所要時間信頼性評価。 土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学)特集号VOL.68 NO.5(土木計画学研究・論文集29巻)
- Shimamto, H., Schmoecker, J.-D., and Kurauchi, F. (2012). Optimisation of a Bus Network Configuration and Frequency Considering the Common Lines Problem. Journal of Transportation Technologies. 2(3), 220-229.
- Kurauchi, F., Schmoecker, J.-D., Fonzone, A., Hemdam, S.M.H., Shimamto, H., and Bell, M.G.H., (2012). Estimation of Weights of Times and Transfers for Hyperpath Travellers. Transportation Research Records 2284, 89-99
- Schmoecker, J.-D., Pettersson, P. and Fujii, S. (2012). Comparative Analysis of Proximal and Distal Determinants for the Acceptance of Coercive Charging Policies in the U.K. and Japan. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. 6(3), 156-173.
- Kasuya, K., Schmoecker, J.-D., Ando, R. and Fujii, S. (2012).健康診断データを用いた 交通行動と健康に関する基礎的研究. Presented at 第32回交通工学研究発表会 (Japan Society of Traffic Engineers Proceedings.) (In Japanese).
- Belgiawan, P.F., Schmoecker, J-D. and Fujii, S. (2012). Explaining The Desire to Own a Car among Indonesian Students. Presented at 第32回交通工学研究発表会 (Japan Society of Traffic Engineers Proceedings.)
- Shimamto, H., Kurauchi, F. and Schmoecker, J.-D. (2012).車両容量と路線相関を考慮した乗客配分モデルを用いた公共交通の所要時間信頼性評価。 土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学)特集号VOL.68 NO.5(土木計画学研究・論文集29巻
- Padahyag, G.,Schmoecker, J.-D. and Fukuda, D. (2011). Mobile Phones And Telecommuting: Effects on Trips and Tours of Londoners. Journal of Transport and Land Use. 4(3), 23-41.
- Schmoecker, J.-D., Fonzone, A., Shimamoto, H., Kurauchi, F. and Bell, M.G.H. (2011). Frequency-based Transit Assignment Considering Seat Capacities. Transportation Research Part B. 45 (2), 392-408.
- Petterson, P. and Schmoecker, J.-D. (2010). Active Ageing in Developing Countries? - Trip Generation and Tour Complexity of Older People in Metro Manila. Journal of Transport Geography. 18(5), 613-623.
- Tan, V.H. and Schmoecker, J.-D. (2010).Signal Control in Mixed Traffic based on Bus Probe Vehicles: Concept and Application. Journal of the Eastern Asia Transportation Studies. 8(1), 1686-1700.
- Wijeyewickrema, A., Schmoecker, J.-D. and Kusakabe, O. (2010).Strategies to Incorporate English Into Civil and Environmental Engineering Undergraduate Education. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. H (Engineering and Practice). 2(1), 21-27.
- Schmoecker, J.-D. and Bell, M.G.H. (2010).Traffic Control: Current Systems and Future Vision of Cities. International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research. 8(1), 55-65.
- Schmoecker, J.-D., Su, F., and Noland, R. (2010).An Analysis of Trip Chaining Among Older London Residents.Transportation. 37(1), 105-123.
- Su, F., Schmoecker, J.-D. and Bell, M.G.H. (2010).Mobility Scooters on Loan A Scheme Complementing The Existing Special Transport Services in London. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. 4(2), 95-111.
- Su, F., Schmoecker, J.-D. and Bell, M.G.H. (2009).Mode Choice of Older People Before and After Shopping A Study with London data. Journal of Transport and Land-Use, 2(1), 29-46.?Presented in similar form at TRB Washington 2008.
- Schmoecker, J.-D., Kurauchi, F. and Bell, M.G.H. (2008).A Quasi-Dynamic Capacity Constrained Frequency-Based Transit Assignment Model. Transportation Research B, 42(10), 925-945.
- Shimamto, H., Kurauchi, F., Schmoecker, J.-D. and Bell, M.G.H.(2008).Evaluating Critical Lines and Stations Considering the Impact of Overcrowding Using a Transit Assignment Model -Case Study of London Underground Network.Journal of Advanced Transportation 42(3), 293-310.?Presented in similar form at the 3rd Int. Symposium on Transportation Network Reliability, July 2007, Delft, The Netherlands.
- Bell, M.G.H., Kanturska, U., Schmoecker, J.-D. and Fonzone, A. (2008).Attacker-Defender Models and Road Network Vulnerability. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. 366, 1893-1906.
- Schmoecker, J.-D., Ahuja, S. and Bell, M.G.H. (2008).Multiobjective Signal Control of Urban Junctions Framework and a London Case Study. Transportation Research C, 16(4), 454-470.
- Schmoecker, J.-D., Quddus M.A., Noland, R. B. and Bell, M.G.H. (2008).Transport Mode Choice of the Elderly and Disabled in London. Transportation Geography, 16(4), 257-267.
- Quddus, M. A., Bell, M.G.H.,Schmoecker, J.-D. and Fonzone, A.(2007).Impact of the Congestion Charge on Retail Business in London: An Econometric Analysis. Transport Policy, 14(5), 433-444.?Presented in similar form at TRB Washington 2005
- Schmoecker, J.-D., Fonzone, A., Quddus, M.A., and Bell, M.G.H.(2006).Changes in the frequency of shopping trips in response to congestion charge. Transport Policy, 13 (3), 217-228.?Presented in similar form at TRB Washington 2005
- Shimamoto, H., Kurauchi, F., Iida, Y., Bell, M.G.H. and Schmoecker, J.-D.(2005).Evaluation of Public Transport Congestion Mitigation Measures Using a Passenger Assignment Model. Journal of the Eastern Asia Transportation Studies, Vol. 6, 2076-2091. (Selected Conference Proceedings, Best Paper Award)
- Schmoecker, J.-D., Quddus, M.A., Noland, R.B. and Bell, M.G.H.(2005).Estimating trip generation of elderly and disabled people: An analysis of London data. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1924, 9-18.
- Schmoecker, J-D., Cooper, S., Adeney, W. (2005).Metro Service Delay Recovery: Comparison of Strategies and Constraints Across Systems. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1930, 30-37.
- Kurauchi, F., Schmoecker, J.-D. and Bell, M.G.H. (2003).Capacity Constrained Transit Assignment with Common Lines.Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, 2, 309-327.
- Schmoecker, J.-D. and Bell, M.G.H. (2002).The PFE as a Tool for Robust Multi-modal Network Planning. Traffic Engineering and Control, 44 (3), 108-114.
- Van, T.H., Schmoecker, J.-D. and Fujii, S. (2011).Upgrading from motorbikes to cars: Simulation of current and future traffic conditions in Ho Chi Minh City. In: “Cities of the Future. The Future of Cities ? Problems and perspectives of sustainable urban transport in Germany and Vietnam”.Published in German and Vietnamese. German Edition published by: Rainer Hampp Verlag, Muenchen and Mering, 2011.Also Presented at EASTS 2009.
- Schmoecker, J.-D. (2010). On Decision Principles for Routing Strategies Under Various Types of Risks. In: Security and Environmental Sustainability of Multimodal Transport. Edited by: Bell, M.G.H., Hosseinloo, S.H. and Kanturska, U.; Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
- Schmoecker, J.-D., Bell, M.G.H., Kurauchi, F. and Shimamto, H. (2009).A Game Theoretic Approach to the Determination of Hyperpaths in Transportation Networks. Selected Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT). Hong Kong, July 2009.
- Kanturska, U., Schmoecker, J.-D., Fonzone, A. and Bell, M.G.H. (2009).Improving Reliability Through Multi-Path Routing and Link Defence. In: Game Theoretic Risk Analysis of Security Threats, Edited by Bier, V.M. and Azaiez, M.N., Springer, New York., 199-228.
- Schmoecker, J.-D. and Bell, M.G.H. (2008).The Build-up of Congestion During Peak-hour: A Dynamic Frequency-Based Model. In Selected Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Schedule-Based Dynamic Transit Modelling (SBTM). Edited by A. Nuzzolo.
- Bell, M.G.H. and Schmoecker J.-D. (2004).A Solution to the Transit Assignment Problem. In: Schedule-Based Dynamic Transit Modeling. Theory and Applications. Edited by Nigel H.M. Wilson and Agostino Nuzzolo.
- Cassir, C., Bell, M.G.H. and Schmoecker, J.-D. (2003).A Normative Assessment of Transport Network Reliability Based on Game Theory. In: The Network Reliability of Transport, Pergamon, 225-244. Edited by M.G.H. Bell and Y. Iida.
- Nicholson, A., Schmoecker, J.-D., Bell, M.G.H. and Iida, Y. (2003).Assessing Transport Reliability: Malevolence and User Knowledge In: The Network Reliability of Transport, Pergamon, 1-22. Edited by M.G.H. Bell and Y. Iida.
- Bell, M.G.H., Schmoecker, J.D., Iida, Y. and Lam, W.H.K. (2002).Transit Network Reliability: An Application of Absorbing Markov Chains. Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT) (ed. M A P Taylor), Pergamon: Oxford, 43-62.