

Jan-Dirk Schmoecker (Assoc.Prof.)





Updates/Current Activities
Research Interests/Projects

Updates/Current Activities

Research Interests/Projects

  • Transit Assignment Models; Passenger Behaviour (Congestion and capacity constraints; Passenger route choice)
  • City tourism flows (Tourist routes, Estimation with big data, Decision making of tourists)
  • Transport Behaviour and Social Norms (Trends, Conformity and Mass effects; Population acceptance of policies)
  • Reliability of Transportation Networks (Route guidance, Regret and risk perception of travellers)
  • Transport and Land-Use Solutions for an Ageing Society (Transport and health; Impact of accessibility and impairments on travel behaviour)



Book Publication

Journal Publications

As Book Chapters

  • Van, T.H., Schmoecker, J.-D. and Fujii, S. (2011).Upgrading from motorbikes to cars: Simulation of current and future traffic conditions in Ho Chi Minh City. In: “Cities of the Future. The Future of Cities ? Problems and perspectives of sustainable urban transport in Germany and Vietnam”.Published in German and Vietnamese. German Edition published by: Rainer Hampp Verlag, Muenchen and Mering, 2011.Also Presented at EASTS 2009.
  • Schmoecker, J.-D. (2010). On Decision Principles for Routing Strategies Under Various Types of Risks. In: Security and Environmental Sustainability of Multimodal Transport. Edited by: Bell, M.G.H., Hosseinloo, S.H. and Kanturska, U.; Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Schmoecker, J.-D., Bell, M.G.H., Kurauchi, F. and Shimamto, H. (2009).A Game Theoretic Approach to the Determination of Hyperpaths in Transportation Networks. Selected Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT). Hong Kong, July 2009.
  • Kanturska, U., Schmoecker, J.-D., Fonzone, A. and Bell, M.G.H. (2009).Improving Reliability Through Multi-Path Routing and Link Defence. In: Game Theoretic Risk Analysis of Security Threats, Edited by Bier, V.M. and Azaiez, M.N., Springer, New York., 199-228.
  • Schmoecker, J.-D. and Bell, M.G.H. (2008).The Build-up of Congestion During Peak-hour: A Dynamic Frequency-Based Model. In Selected Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Schedule-Based Dynamic Transit Modelling (SBTM). Edited by A. Nuzzolo.
  • Bell, M.G.H. and Schmoecker J.-D. (2004).A Solution to the Transit Assignment Problem. In: Schedule-Based Dynamic Transit Modeling. Theory and Applications. Edited by Nigel H.M. Wilson and Agostino Nuzzolo.
  • Cassir, C., Bell, M.G.H. and Schmoecker, J.-D. (2003).A Normative Assessment of Transport Network Reliability Based on Game Theory. In: The Network Reliability of Transport, Pergamon, 225-244. Edited by M.G.H. Bell and Y. Iida.
  • Nicholson, A., Schmoecker, J.-D., Bell, M.G.H. and Iida, Y. (2003).Assessing Transport Reliability: Malevolence and User Knowledge In: The Network Reliability of Transport, Pergamon, 1-22. Edited by M.G.H. Bell and Y. Iida.
  • Bell, M.G.H., Schmoecker, J.D., Iida, Y. and Lam, W.H.K. (2002).Transit Network Reliability: An Application of Absorbing Markov Chains. Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT) (ed. M A P Taylor), Pergamon: Oxford, 43-62.


Kyoto University
ITS Laboratory

Katsura C-Cluster C1-2-436, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8540, Japan

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