
 The 6th International Symposium on Transportation Network Reliability (INSTR) .


6th International Symposium on Transportation Network Reliability
-The Value of Reliability, Robustness and Resilience-

 2-3 August 2015, Nara, Japan


A special focus of this symposium will be the increasing practical value of reliability improvements for project evaluation. In particular the value of infrastructure investments to improve network resilience to counter large disasters is nowadays a critical issue. Contributions that discuss this issue are specifically encouraged for this symposium though the scope of this conference is wider and includes all aspects of analysis and design to improve network reliability, including;

User perception of unreliability and vulnerability
Public policy and reliability of travel times
The valuation of reliability
The economics of reliability
Network reliability modelling and estimation
Transportation network robustness and resilience
Reliability of public transportation
Travel behaviour under uncertainty
Risk evaluation and management for transportation networks
ITS to improve network reliability
Vehicle routing under uncertainty
Disaster relief distribution

Format Submissio



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